Miracles – Définitions

Voici quelques définitions de ce qu’est « miracle » pour différents auteurs :

Ma vision à moi

… et ce que penses d’autres :

« … Something amazing, unusual phenomena, deeds of power, signs, inexistent, extraordinary visions in the natural cours » (P.-H. Menoud ; Die Bedeutung des Wunders nach dem Neuen Testament)

… a direct and extraordinary intervention of divine power in the world of human beings … extraordinaty incidents such as miraculous healings, special historical events or unusual occurences of natural forces. (K. Gatzweiler ; Der paulinische Wunderbegriff)

… every divine action can be called a miracle … the border between miarcle and non-miracle in ancient times is not determined/defined, human beeings decide on the defintion (O. Weinreich ; Antike Heilungswunder)

… impressive occasions understood by the faithful as signs of God’s salvfic action (Heilshandeln) (A. Weiser ; Was die Bibel Wunder nennt)

… a miracle is a marvelous occurrence taking place in human experience which could not have been exercised by human powers or by the power of any narural agency. It is an event that must be attributed to divine intervention. It is usually thought of as en act which demonstrates divine control over the laws of nature. (R.L. Hambin ; Miracles in the Book of Acts) »

Tous cités par Beate Kowalski ; Eschatological Signs and Their Function in the Revelation of John ; in : M. Labahn (éd.) ; Wonders Never Cease , T&T Clark, London 2006 ; p.200

Beate Kowalski elle-même donne à la fin de son article la définition suivante (p. 216) :

« At the end of our analysis we can define the meaning of eschatological signs in Revelation. They are signs, good or bad, coming from God or his opponents, that occur within a dramatic time or crisis of faith. They are revealed to the believers or their opponents and bring about the last events. They wont to give hope and courage to those who suffer in the crisis. One can recognize God’s action in them, reflect on his protection and care for the faithful Christians, but alos on his accusation and revenge towards the unbelievers. The characters reprensting the Roman Emperor Cult who produce signs are destroyed at the end, but the effect of God’s signs last. »

Gerd Theissen ; Urchristliche Wundergeschichten

Nouveau livre de la foi ; La foi commune des chrétiens (« C’est la première fois depuis la Réforme que des théologiens protestants et catholiques, dont le nom fait autorité, réunissent leurs efforts pour présenter solidairement l’ensemble de la foi chrétienne … »)

Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart

Et la vision de deux philosophes :

Ernst Bloch

Ludwig Wittgenstein

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